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Product Safety & Usage

1. How will SaltStick help me as an athlete?

SaltStick helps athletes maintain performance by replacing a full spectrum of electrolytes lost through sweat, and in a form and quantity the body can absorb. An independent 2015 study demonstrated that triathletes who relied on SaltStick to replace electrolytes lost through sweat performed significantly better in a medium-distance triathlon than those who did not. Learn how to incorporate SaltStick into your performance goals.

2. Why can’t I just use sports drinks to replace electrolytes? 

The average person’s sweat contains about 1,000 mg sodium/liter, but a typical sports drink contains 440 mg sodium/liter. If, during the course of activity, you consume nothing but sports drinks (or worse, water), you could become hyponatremic at some point. Hyponatremia is a medical condition marked by low blood sodium levels, which can lead to nausea, fatigue, cramping, vomiting, weakness, sleepiness, and in rare severe cases, loss of consciousness. Many sports drinks also do not include other key electrolytes, which could lead to further cramping and muscle issues. See how SaltStick products compare

3. Can I take SaltStick products if I’m pregnant? 

SaltStick products should be used by pregnant women only under the advice or supervision of their physician, as part of their exercise program.

4. Are the bottles BPA free?

The PET bottles used for all SaltStick products are BPA and phthalate free. They are tested and certified for use for food products.

5. Do SaltStick products contain steroids or banned substances?

No. SaltStick products are produced in US cGMP facilities that are certified to produce banned-substance-free sports nutrition products. This means that NO banned substances are present on site in any capacity, at any time. SaltStick Caps and FastChews are skip-lot tested for banned substances under the Informed Choice program. Every batch of SaltStick Caps Plus is tested for banned substances under the Informed Sport program. Products undergo rigorous testing using ISO 17025 accredited methods to provide the highest level of assurance to athletes. For further information about the testing process, please visit

6. Are SaltStick products vegetarian? Vegan?

SaltStick Caps and Caps Plus are vegetarian in that they do not contain meat or processed animal parts but do contain ingredients of animal origin and are therefore not considered strictly vegan. SaltStick DrinkMix, all flavors of SaltStick FastChews, and Vitassium do not contain any ingredients of animal origin and are suitable for vegan diets.

7. Are SaltStick products gluten-free? 

Yes. All SaltStick products are gluten-free. 

8. Are SaltStick products lactose-free?

Yes. All SaltStick products are lactose-free. 

9. Are SaltStick products nut-free? Shellfish-free?

SaltStick products are made in a facility that makes a variety of other products. The facility adheres to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) regulations that specify storage, equipment cleaning, and documentation standards, among other attributes. The facility does not process fish/shellfish/or nuts within the facility, however, ingredients sourced from fish such as fish oil and powder; shellfish such as glucosamine; and nuts such as walnut hull and almond oil are used within the facility for other products.

The facility has allergen policy in place, and they do segregate these ingredients into a specified area. SaltStick products are not handled or produced within that area. If you have a severe allergy, you could consider using SaltStick products under the supervision of a physician or with appropriate treatment (EpiPen, etc…) available if you have ongoing concerns.

10. Are SaltStick products GMO-free?

All SaltStick products can be considered non-GMO. Out of an abundance of caution, we have carefully sourced all non-GMO ingredients whenever the possibility of GMO exists for a given ingredient. Only plant-based ingredients (i.e. not minerals) have GMO/non-GMO varieties, and only the non-GMO versions have been used. 

11. Is SaltStick Kosher?

No. Currently, there is no Kosher certification or supervision of SaltStick products.

12. How do SaltStick products compare with the World Health Organization (WHO) oral rehydration solution (ORS) formula?

The WHO ORS is a powder added to water or a ready-to-drink fluid with ingredients of glucose, sodium and potassium. Glucose, a simple sugar, acts as an energy source. Sodium and potassium help replace electrolytes in the blood. The WHO ORS is more of a survival aid, not a performance aid, and can be useful in field hospitals or settings where providing a patient with fluid, glucose and electrolytes is time-critical. The sodium content is very concentrated, equal to approximately 8 SaltStick Caps in a liter of water (1700mg/L), and tastes very salty. There is no magnesium or calcium in the WHO solution. 

In contrast, SaltStick products do not contain glucose. Moreover, SaltStick was specifically created to support athletic performance. Each product is designed to provide a complete and balanced supply of electrolytes to help minimize heat stress and muscle cramping due to perspiration.

13. My coach told me to take XX mg of salt per hour. Is that the same as sodium?

No, sodium and salt are not the same. Be sure to clarify with your coach exactly what they are suggesting. “Salt” is usually what people call sodium chloride, which is about 40% sodium by weight. This means that the 550 mg of sodium chloride in a capsule of SaltStick Caps represents an available 215 mg of sodium (the rest is chloride). Other sources of sodium have different amounts of sodium by weight. For example, the 810mg of sodium citrate in SaltStick Caps Plus represents 190 mg of sodium. Therefore, when you compare labels or intake goals, be sure to compare actual sodium values.

14. What is bioavailability?

A nutrient’s bioavailability is the proportion of the nutrient that, when ingested, actually gets absorbed by the body. Absorption rate is important because even when an ingredient is absorbed completely, it may be absorbed too slowly to produce any effect. SaltStick products contain water-soluble chelated sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium chlorides, citrates and gluconates that have high bioavailability and fast absorption rates. This is in contrast to some supplements that use forms of these minerals that have lower bioavailability, are insoluble, or require high stomach acid to digest.

15. Can SaltStick help with a hangover? 

In our experience, proper hydration (with water) and electrolyte intake can help avoid the dehydrating effects of alcohol that contribute to hangover symptoms. SaltStick FastChews can be used to help replace lost electrolytes after alcohol consumption.

SaltStick Caps

1. How do I use SaltStick Caps? 

As a general guideline, athletes should consume one capsule every 30-60 minutes during activity. Pre-loading with the product can be helpful as well, along with including it during post-workout nutrition. Learn how to incorporate SaltStick into your performance goals.

2. Can I take SaltStick Caps with a sports drink? 

Yes. SaltStick Caps can be consumed with water or a sports drink. As an alternative, you may also consider using SaltStick DrinkMix, a ready-to-mix powder that can be added to any drink; two SaltStick Capsules equals 1 serving of DrinkMix.

3. Do I need to consume water with SaltStick? 

Most SaltStick products do not require water to consume; however, water or a sports drink should absolutely be a part of your overall nutrition plan. If you don’t re-hydrate and just consume electrolytes you will risk becoming dehydrated, which can be a dangerous situation if taken to extremes.

4. Can I swallow the capsules without any liquid?

Yes, although most people find it helpful to wash the capsules down with water or a sports drink.

5. Can I open the capsules and pour the powder into water or a sports drink?

Yes, SaltStick Caps can be mixed with water or a sports drink. As an alternative, you may also consider using SaltStick DrinkMix, a ready-to-mix powder that can be added to any drink; two SaltStick Capsules equals 1 serving of DrinkMix.

6. Can I chew or open the capsule in my mouth?

Yes. It will taste salty and the contents will arrive at your stomach more quickly, which could cause nausea or upset stomach, but there is no safety hazard in doing so.

7. How long does it take for the capsules to open in my stomach?

The capsules are designed to open within 15 minutes, but most athletes indicate that symptoms like cramping can disappear within about five minutes of taking the capsule.

8. How should I store the capsules?

Capsules must be kept dry, and are best stored in a cool environment to ensure the contents remain as described on the product label.

Race Ready Caps and Caps Plus

1. What happened to SaltStick Caps Plus?

SaltStick Caps Plus has been renamed to Race Ready Caps Plus. While the same formula as Caps Plus, our new name and packaging better highlight the benefits of the product:

  • Built with sodium citrate to help prevent stomach discomfort
  • 30mg of caffeine for an extra boost
  • Every batch of Race Ready products is tested for banned substances through our partnership with Informed Sport before entering the market to provide the highest level of assurance to athletes.

2. What is the difference between SaltStick Caps and Race Ready Caps and Race Ready Caps Plus?

The Race Ready brand is designed to support elite performance through higher standards of third-party testing and ingredient sourcing. Every batch of Race Ready products is tested for banned substances through our partnership with Informed Sport before entering the market to provide the highest level of assurance to athletes. Additionally, Race Ready products are made with sodium citrate, a premium source of sodium that has been shown to help prevent stomach discomfort. Race Ready Caps Plus contains 30 mg. of caffeine per capsule. 

3. How do I use Race Ready Caps or Race Ready Caps Plus?

As a general guideline, athletes should consume one capsule every 30-60 minutes during activity. Pre-loading with the product can be helpful as well, along with including it during post-workout nutrition. Learn how to incorporate SaltStick into your performance goals.

4. Can I mix Race Ready Caps & Caps Plus together?

Yes. This can be helpful if you choose to moderate your caffeine intake. For example, it may be useful to switch to the caffeine-containing Race Ready Caps Plus towards the end of an event or for overnight events. 

5. Can I take Race Ready Caps or Caps Plus with a sports drink? 

Yes. Race Ready Caps and Caps Plus can be consumed with water or a sports drink.

6. Do I need to consume water with Race Ready? 

Water or a sports drink should be a part of your overall nutrition plan. If you don’t re-hydrate and just take Race Ready Caps or Caps Plus, you will risk becoming dehydrated, which can be a dangerous situation if taken to extremes.

7. Can I swallow the capsules without any liquid?

Yes, although most people find it helpful to wash the capsules down with water or a sports drink.

8. Can I open the capsules and pour the powder into water or a sports drink?

Yes, Race Ready Caps and Caps Plus can be mixed with water or a sports drink.

9. Can I chew or open the capsule in my mouth?

Yes. It will taste salty and the contents will arrive at your stomach more quickly, which could cause nausea or upset stomach, but there is no safety hazard in doing so.

10. How long does it take for the capsules to open in my stomach?
The capsules are designed to open within 15 minutes, but most athletes indicate that symptoms like cramping can disappear within about five minutes of taking the capsule.

11. How should I store the capsules?
Capsules must be kept dry, and are best stored in a cool environment to ensure the contents remain as described on the product label.

12. Why does Race Ready Caps and Caps Plus contain sodium citrate?
Sodium citrate provides sodium in a form that is readily available to the body, while causing minimal stomach upset. For individuals with sensitive stomachs, especially during intense exercise, sodium citrate can be an ideal source of sodium.

SaltStick FastChews

1. Can FastChews be dissolved in water to create a sports drink?

We don’t recommend it. It’s technically possible, but we designed SaltStick FastChews to be eaten directly, so they aren’t very soluble in water. 

2. How many FastChews equals one SaltStick Capsule? Why is the electrolyte concentration lower?

Approximately 4 FastChews equals 1 SaltStick Capsule, and all four electrolytes are scaled accordingly. The lower amount of electrolytes in FastChews helps ensure they taste good and supports electrolyte intake in smaller doses.

3. How should FastChews be stored?

Unopened packets or bottles of FastChews should be stored at room temperature and under dry conditions for the longest shelf life. Opened packets and bottles should be kept sealed and used as soon as practical.

4. What happens if FastChews get wet?

FastChews will be affected by moisture as salt tends to absorb moisture from the air, eventually causing the tablet to fall apart. This is a cosmetic change, not a safety issue. However, from a practical standpoint, the tablet won’t be as easy to consume. Sealed packets and bottles of FastChews are moisture-resistant and should survive exposure to sweat and moisture during exercise.

5. Do I need to take FastChews with water?

FastChews can be consumed with or without water, depending on personal preference and circumstances. You will still need some source of hydration over time, but you can drink when you need fluid, and take FastChews when you need electrolytes.

6. Can I suck on FastChews or do I need to chew and swallow?

Yes. You will absorb electrolytes quickly through buccal tissue (inside your mouth, under your tongue) so if you prefer, you can keep FastChews in your mouth until they dissolve fully. We recommend that you wait 5-10 minutes before drinking water to maximize the effectiveness of FastChews.  

7. Why isn’t there vitamin D in FastChews?

We formulated FastChews without vitamin D because adding it would have reduced product shelf life. Moreover, vitamin D can be found in many sports nutrition products so we felt adding it to FastChews was unnecessary in most cases. If you or your physician determine that the addition of vitamin D is helpful, we suggest trying SaltStick Caps or Caps Plus, or adding a specific vitamin D supplement to your nutrition routine.

8. Why is sodium citrate used rather than sodium chloride?

Sodium citrate provides sodium in a form that is readily available to the body, while causing minimal stomach upset. For individuals with sensitive stomachs, especially during intense exercise, sodium citrate is an ideal source of sodium compared to sodium chloride (table salt). Also, it tastes less “salty” than table salt. Most SaltStick products contain sodium citrate instead of sodium chloride.

9 Are FastChews considered organic?

No. FastChews contain ingredients that are derived from organic and non-organic agriculture practices. Due to lack of availability, not all ingredients can be sourced organically, but we use organic ingredients whenever possible.

10. Is there color added?

We do not add color to FastChews. 

11. Are FastChews suitable for children and youth sports?

Yes. FastChews have been formulated to be safe for children when used under parental supervision. FastChews, when paired with water, provide a convenient and healthy alternative to sports drinks, which often contain high amounts of sugar and artificial coloring.

12. What is the maximum amount of FastChews recommended per day?

The suggested maximum usage per day for adults is 15 tablets.

13. My FastChews show some brown spots of discoloration. What’s wrong?

With humidity and in warmer conditions, the ingredients in FastChews (sugars and amino acids) can react via the Maillard reaction to create white and brown spots. This is similar to the reaction that gives browned foods their flavor (e.g. coffee roasting or toasting bread). It’s harmless and while visually unappealing, does not affect the performance or safety of FastChews. We suggest keeping the unused product in cool and dry conditions to avoid discoloration.

SaltStick DrinkMix

1. How do I use SaltStick DrinkMix? 

Mix one serving of SaltStick DrinkMix into 16-20 oz of water, to your preferred concentration. As a general guideline, athletes should consume one serving of drink mix every 60-90 minutes during activity to help reduce dehydration, muscle cramping and heat stress. Learn how to incorporate SaltStick into your performance goals.

2. How much SaltStick DrinkMix should I be drinking?

The ideal usage is dependent on an athlete's individual needs and can vary based on bodyweight, genetics, outdoor temperature, and other factors. In general, we suggest one serving every 60-90 minutes as a starting point, and then adapting based on how you find it supports your performance. You will likely find you need to drink more often in hotter temperatures or more humid environments.

3. Is there sugar in SaltStick DrinkMix?

No, there is no sugar in SaltStick DrinkMix.

4. What sweetener is used in SaltStick DrinkMix?

We use Reb A (Stevia Extract) to sweeten our drink mix. It’s a natural sweetener made from a non-GMO source.

5. Can children and teens use SaltStick DrinkMix?

Yes. DrinkMix has been formulated to be safe for children when used under parental supervision; however, we recommend reducing the serving size by half. DrinkMix can provide a convenient and healthy alternative to sports drinks, which often contain high amounts of added sugar and artificial coloring.

6. Can I mix SaltStick DrinkMix with our SaltStick products like Caps and FastChews?

Absolutely! Every SaltStick product follows the same guideline of matching the electrolyte profile lost in your sweat. Whether you consume Caps, FastChews or DrinkMix, you’ll be getting the same balanced breakdown of electrolytes to support performance. Just make sure you’re tracking your overall sodium consumption relative to water intake to help avoid overdoing it. (There is such a thing as too much of a good thing!)

7. Can I mix my SaltStick DrinkMix with water and save for later?

While you can certainly prepare your DrinkMix in advance of a training session or race we recommend consuming it as soon as possible, preferably in a day or two but no later than a week when kept refrigerated. Shake well before use.

8. How should I store the DrinkMix?

DrinkMix must be kept dry and is best stored in a cool environment to ensure the contents remain as described on the product label.

9. Is SaltStick DrinkMix fizzy?

No, SaltStick DrinkMix does not produce a fizzy beverage.

10. Can SaltStick DrinkMix help with a hangover?

In our experience, proper hydration (with water) and electrolyte intake can help avoid the dehydrating effects of alcohol that contribute to hangover symptoms. SaltStick DrinkMix can be used to help replace lost electrolytes after alcohol consumption.

11. How does the level of electrolytes in DrinkMix compare to other SaltStick products? 

SaltStick DrinkMix is equal to 2 SaltStick Caps and 8 SaltStick FastChews.

12. What is the sodium source for DrinkMix?

SaltStick DrinkMix uses sodium citrate which can help prevent stomach discomfort.

13. What is the shelf life of SaltStick DrinkMix?

SaltStick DrinkMix powder has a Best By date on each package, which is three years from the date of manufacture. If properly stored, the product will remain fresh until the date printed.


For frequently asked questions about Vitassium, please visit the Discover Vitassium page.

Other Questions

1. What if I'm dissatisfied with my purchase? 

At SaltStick, we aim for 100% satisfaction with the quality of our products. We sweat the details, and if you are dissatisfied with your purchase, please contact us, and we’ll work with you to find the best option. We like to work fast, so please contact us as soon as possible and be ready to share with us all relevant info about your purchase. 

2. How do I become a sponsored athlete?

Each year, SaltStick is excited to work with talented and dedicated U.S.-based athletes across a wide range of sports through our Sweater Crew program. To join, athletes must apply during the application period in early December. We do not accept members who apply outside the application window, except in rare cases. The Sweater Crew currently does not support athletes located outside the U.S.; however, local sponsorships may be available through your country's distributor. Questions? Send us a note, and our team will be in touch!  

3. How can I get my event sponsored by SaltStick?

SaltStick sponsors a select number of events throughout the year. At this time, we are unable to support events located outside the U.S.; however, local sponsorships may be available through your country's distributor. To be considered for event or club sponsorship, please contact us here.

4. I need SaltStick ASAP. When will my order arrive if I place it today?
Due to current COVID-19 related challenges throughout the U.S. and global supply chains, orders may take up to 2 business days to ship, and an additional 3-5 shipping days before they arrive. You can expect to receive your shipment 5-7 business days after you place your order.

5. Do you have faster shipping methods? How can I get product faster?
For fastest shipping, choose USPS-Priority at checkout, or order $50 or more, and your product will ship via ship via USPS-Priority automatically. If you need SaltStick ASAP, we recommend consulting our Store Finder for a retailer near you, or consider ordering via an online retailer that offers overnight shipping such as Amazon Prime.

6. Where is my order? How can I track my order?
Please login to your account to track your shipments, or check your email for shipping updates from an “” email account. Once you have your tracking number, please contact USPS if you have any issues receiving the package.

7. The SaltStick bottles and packets look different. What did you update?
In August 2021, we updated the packaging for most of our products to integrate a modernized, more streamlined look. As the packaging makes its way online and into stores in the U.S., you may notice some bottles and packets have different label designs than others. However, nothing about the actual product has changed, including formulation, quality, the sources of our ingredients, our manufacturing processes or sizing. Non-U.S. versions will be launching in 2022.

Gift Cards

1. Can my gift card be used more than once?

Yes, provided there is still a balance remaining on the card.

2. Can more than one gift card be used towards a purchase?

Yes. You can redeem another gift card during checkout.

3. Can a gift card be used to pay for shipping and taxes?

Yes, gift cards are applied to the final order total which includes shipping and taxes.

4. Can gift cards be used in conjunction with a discount code?
Yes, they can!

5. Can gift cards be reloaded?
No, gift cards cannot be reloaded.

6. How do I check my gift card balance?
Please contact customer service and we can provide you with your balance.

7. Can I access a misplaced or not received gift card?
Yes. Click Resend gift cards from your order confirmation email. Please note, this link will only work if the order has been fulfilled.